Category: Uncategorized

Horror in the forest.

19 March 2024

A ghastly thing happened to me in the woods today. So Wes and I went for a little hike up in the forest. At one point I ducked behind a tree and popped a squat to piss. The plants everywhere were long and it was a little precarious. Afterwards I said to Wes “you don’t […]

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Our Suffering

14 March 2024

My heart hurts. My body feels heavy. I don’t know what to do, sometimes, with the fear, grief and horror of living in a time like this. In recent months, I’ve seen more footage and photos of dead and starving children in Gaza than I ever needed to see. I’ve seen photos of children so […]

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Oh Yuck It’s Me – Midsumma Festival 2024

3 January 2024

I am remounting my award nominated show, Oh Yuck It’s Me, as part of Midsumma Festival at The Butterfly Club from Mon Jan 29th – Sat 3rd Feb! Tickets are available here: A lovely interview about the show between myself and Myron My here:

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Stickybeak at Melbourne Fringe – The Age review

6 October 2023

We’re proud and excited to have received a ★★★★★ review from The Age on our first night! You can read the full review here. Stickybeak will be running at the Trades Hall as part of Melbourne Fringe until Oct 15.

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I don’t want to be afraid of everyone anymore.

29 August 2023

I believe that cancel culture exists. I didn’t always believe this. I used to think that “cancel culture” was something only right wing men complained about when there were consequences to their hate speech. Yet, at the same time, I was always having quiet, offline conversations with leftie women who would confess to me that […]

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19 December 2022

I made this piece of video art for the ButohOut show that I was going to be in but a bunch of us caught Covid and the show had to be cancelled so I thought I’d share this here, I would love to have your eyes upon it, it is probably my last artistic offering […]

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I Am Autistic

26 July 2022

So many of my friends would have already guessed it by all the stuff I’ve been sharing lately but I’m going to just come out officially and say that I am autistic. No, not instead of ADHD, many people have both; in fact, there is a great deal of overlap which makes me feel if […]

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Tracing Change

22 January 2022

One of the ways in which I negotiate my deepest grief, fear and horror about the climate crisis is to wonder, with a strangely comforting sort of awe, about what might take our place long after we are gone. I think about the life and beauty that flows through us and imagine it dissolving, shifting […]

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New Paintings

18 December 2021

“Sharing the Sun” a meditation on abundance and regeneration. Recently, my focus has been on turning my painting into a sort of dance with the canvas, where each brushstroke is a gesture that flows from my entire body. The reason for this is twofold; first of all, painting in a way that is grounded in […]

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My Body My Earth

10 October 2021

Painted myself at 2AM last night as a meditative process. I’m trying to let myself paint how I want to paint, I’m trying to listen to the paint and work with what happens instead of forcing what I make into something that it’s not going to be. I’m trying to respond to what is there […]

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