I don't censor my artwork and I like painting boobs, so if you're a kid this ain't for you
So many of my friends would have already guessed it by all the stuff I’ve been sharing lately but I’m going to just come out officially and say that I am autistic. No, not instead of ADHD, many people have both; in fact, there is a great deal of overlap which makes me feel if […]
I have dyscalculia. (More on dyscalculia here.) It is a learning disability pertaining to maths and is common with ADHD and Autism (contrary to the stereotype of all Autistic people being maths whizzes.) I learned I have dyscalculia only recently, while researching and educating myself about my own neurodivergent mind, it made so much sense. […]
I used to feel so much shame about the fact that it’s really easy for me to make myself paint in the studio – to the point where I very often haven’t let myself paint in the studio because I’ve felt I’ve not done enough “important” tasks such as going to the supermarket, life admin […]